Monday, March 10, 2008

Spirituality for Dummies


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via PickTheBrain by David B. Bohl on 3/9/08


When many people think of spirituality their minds automatically go to religion. This is not, however, an entirely accurate understanding of what spirituality is. Having spirituality simply means believing in something greater than yourself. It can be incredibly powerful to have a sense of spirituality in your life, and very often it can haul you through the difficult times in your pursuit for success, happiness, and fulfillment.

Your sense of spirituality may involve the divine. Our society is rooted in the belief of a supernatural, omnipotent being who oversees our personal destinies. Other people shirk these beliefs and prefer to take destiny into their own hands, and in choosing spirituality invoke the aspects of nature or the cosmos rather than an all-knowing religious icon.

Spirituality is deeply personal in nature. It serves to rejuvenate and enlighten the soul and feed the human spirit. It helps guide our decisions in life and helps to direct our conscience. Recent surveys have shown that the vast percentage of society holds religious or spiritual beliefs. It is also interesting to note that a majority of these people have broken from childhood teachings in order to seek out a belief system that holds greater personal meaning to them.

It is important to examine your own heart and soul and determine what you believe in. Seek out your own spirituality, and take time to honor it each day. Doing so will provide you with a new-found inner peace and resolve, no matter how crazy or hectic your life becomes. Developing your own spirituality helps give you the emotional resolve you need in your quest for self improvement.

Go to Church

If you are having trouble finding your spiritual side, try going to church. If you choose not to associate with any particular belief system, there are now a number of non-denomination churches that focus solely on one’s relationship with God, without invoking the beliefs of any one sect. This may be the exact formula you need in order to develop your spiritual beliefs in a manner you feel comfortable with. If you were raised in a particular church but have just gotten away from attending, try going back. Many churches now offer evening and Saturday services to accommodate busy lives, and the associations you make away from work help ensure you maintain a work life balance in your personal relationships.

Commune with Nature

For those with a more naturalistic side, try getting out and just taking in the beauty and power of the world around you. Go to the beach and allow the power of the ocean waves crashing on the shore amaze you, or take a walk in the woods and focus on the smell of the trees and the earth, the sounds of the birds, and the warmth of the sun. Taking the time to put yourself in the world around you, rather than merely living on it, awakens the depths of your soul to the realization that life is so much bigger and more powerful than we are. It helps bring some perspective into a crowded, busy life. Suddenly that intimidating boss seems so much smaller in comparison.


Sometimes finding your spirituality is as simple as communing with yourself. Take time to quiet your mind and allow the rest of the world to disappear into nothingness. Engaging in soul-nourishing activities such as meditation and yoga help cleanse the spirit and rejuvenate the mind.

Any of these activities can put you in touch with forces greater than your own individual existence. They can remind you of the amazing forces at work in the world and help you to channel them so you can tap them when your own energy begins to wane. Spiritual and personal development should begin with the goal of creating a better work life balance, enabling you to achieve success in both your personal and professional lives.

When you discover your own spirituality, in whatever form appeals to you and nurtures you, will help give your achievements and your endeavors to get there so much more depth and meaning. Your personal relationships will become more satisfying and rewarding, and you will begin to live as a part of the world around you rather than just as an occupant walking on the face of it.

This article was written by David B. Bohl - Husband, Father, Friend, Lifestyle Coach, Author, Entrepreneur, and creator of Slow Down FAST. For more info visit his blog at Slow Down Fast blog. Image by Carf.

Book Giveaway Winners

The winners of A Complaint Free World by Will Bowen are: Bones, Chris K, Cathy, Josh, Brian, Asrai, Hunter Nattall, Nez, Meredyth, Shaun, Miles, James Chartrand, Bradley, Kira and Ann_C. Thank you all for your wonderful comments - it was hard to pick just 15. No giveaway this week, but we will be sure to have another one soon. :)


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