Thursday, March 6, 2008

Fwd: Ralph Nader: Not As Bonkers I Thought?


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via Notes from a Different Kitchen by ian on 3/5/08

I mean he was actually kind of making some sense with a few of his points about the current election system last night on 'The Daily Show.' But that doesn't mean I still don't feel like he shouldn't just get the f-ck outta the way and let the Dems get a real shot at taking back over the White House in November.


Things you can do from here:


"The gratification of desire is not happiness. If it were, as Socrates noted, a person who spends his life scratching an itch would have to be considered happy. Genuine happiness can only be achieved when we transform our way of life from the unthinking pursuit of pleasure to one committed to enriching our inner lives, when we focus on "being more" rather than simply having more." - Daisaku Ikeda

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