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Ask Jen: Holistic Intuitive Healing Advice » Allergy Relief

Allergy Relief

April 25, 2007 on 11:43 pm | In Holistic Health |


Spring is truly here in many parts of this country and I don't know about the rest of you, but I am actually having some allergy issues this year. I've lived here in Santa Cruz for nearly 20 years without so much as a sniffle each spring, but for some reason this spring I have itchy watery eyes and a runny nose and a scratchy throat.

Not fun.

There are some things that I can do, though, to make it better. Simple dietary changes that will actually help my body to overcome that pesky runny nose, those itchy eyes and even the headaches that have been popping up now and again.

There are some very common foods that are known immunity suppressors and that also contribute to allergy flare-ups. Whenever I have a client come to me complaining about hay fever symptoms, the first items on my list to eliminate are sugar and refined carbohydrates, processed foods and fried foods like chips and French fries which are all chock full of inflammatory fats.

I also recommend that they avoid red meat (I'm always up for avoiding red meat), eggs, poultry, shellfish and also foods from the nightshade family like tomatoes and eggplant.

It's also quite true that food intolerances will make allergies worse. Most of us already know if we have one of these intolerances, but I always encourage folks to really lay off wheat, dairy and corn during their worst flare-ups since those are the biggest offenders. We all know that dairy and gluten contribute to additional mucous production and who wants more mucous when you've already got a runny nose?

Before you complain that you've got nothing to eat and are going to die of starvation even if it is without itchy eyes and a runny nose, let me share with you that there are foods that can actually help ease your allergy symptoms.

Our friend, ginger, decreases inflammation and helps to clear mucous! It also really does help us to breathe more easily. Go Ginger!

Also, garlic is now your best friend. It not only is a huge kick to your own immunity, but it also inhibits yeast overgrowth. Yeast, as we know, is not a friend to us, especially when we're already fighting allergens. And onions, which have natural quercetin, an anti-inflammatory, actually work for us as a natural antihistamine. Of course, who's going to be your friend if all you're eating are ginger, garlic and onions?

Indian food is a great way to go. Most Indian recipes also call for turmeric, which is another anti-inflammatory that will help to calm your allergies. And don't forget your regular sources of Vitamin C like bell peppers or broccoli. Vitamin C also works as a natural antihistamine and really helps to reduce inflammation.

Despite my call to eliminate the fried and fatty foods, you don't want to skip over the good Omega-3 fatty acids. So salmon or tuna are great fish to add to your diet. For vegetarians, flaxseeds or walnuts are always an option, too.

Now don't forget your green leafy vegetables. Even if you never get a sniffle or suffer from any allergies at all, green leafy vegetables should still be a part of your daily diet. They are rich with minerals and compounds that improve immunity, especially beta-carotene and lutein. Make yourself a meal of sautéed kale and chard with some onions and garlic and your allergies won't stand a chance!

Finally, go blue! As in blueberries. Blueberries, whether you choose dried, fresh or frozen, contain anthocyanins. Anthocyanins are antioxidants that beef up our immunity and reduce inflammation.

Blueberries (and their friends, strawberries, raspberries, and cranberries) are naturally low in sugar, but offer a wonderful sweet punch for those of us who want to end our days on a sweet note.

As always, I'll encourage you to eat fresh, eat local and eat organic whenever possible. But most importantly, eat what's best for you.

P.S. You might also consider a cup of Dreamsweet's Claritea every morning. It contains nine organic herbs that support your body beautifully in your fight against allergens. It can't hurt to have it in your arsenal. It really does help!

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  1. […] Ask Jen says that garlic, ginger, and onion are anti-inflammatories and will help. […]

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