Wednesday, June 8, 2011

21 Small Habits That Will Help You to Live a Simpler Life


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Make Life Simpler this Summer
Image by Sanna R (license).

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"Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication."
Leonardo da Vinci

"The aspects of things that are most important for us are hidden because of their simplicity and familiarity."
Ludwig Wittgenstein

I love simplifying my life. It makes me more effective and life less stressful. It makes me calmer and happier.

But where do you start? Or continue if you are already on your way?

In this article I'll share 21 small habits that help me to live a simpler life. I hope you'll find something helpful here and that you get started with one of these suggestions today and continue doing it until your new habit sticks (that usually happens after about 30 days).

  1. Breathe. When stressed, lost in a problem or the past or future in your mind breathe with your belly for two minutes and just focus on the air going in and out. This will calm your body down and bring your mind back into the present moment again.
  2. Do one thing at a time. You'll get better results and feel better and less stressed while doing those things.
  3. Write it all down. Use your mind for better things than remembering what to do. And the mind is often like a leaky bucket. So write down all your great ideas, insights, and thoughts before they go missing somewhere and add what you need to do to a to-do list.
  4. Do all your food shopping once a week. You'll save time, energy and possibly money.
  5. Stop doing what you don't like doing anymore. Life changes and so do you. If you you don't like doing something anymore then stop doing that (even if it may take some time before you can do so by for example switching jobs).
  6. Stop trying to please everyone. There will always be people who you don't get along with or that do not like you for some reason.
  7. Stop trying to do things perfectly. Go for good enough instead and when you are there you are done. Get things all the way to done this way and then move on to the next thing.
  8. Pack your bag before you go to bed. Then you don't have get stressed out by that in morning and you are less likely to forget something.
  9. Throw out the things you haven't used in 1 year. Go through what you have and ask yourself if you have used it in the past year. If not, give it away to charity or a friend or simply throw it out.
  10. Ask yourself simplifying questions every day. Questions like "What is the most important thing I can do right now?".
  11. Keep everything in its place. If everything has its own place then it is whole lot easier to keep your home reasonably ordered and decluttered from day to day. This also helps you with your inner stillness as the outer environment affects how you feel on the inside.
  12. Cook more food than you'll eat. I usually make two or three servings of what I am about to eat. This cuts down on time that you spend on cooking and you'll have to do less washing up in general. Plus, it's good to have portions of food to bring to work to save some money.
  13. Write shorter emails. I tend to write emails containing only a few sentences, usually between one and five. If you focus on keeping it short and focused then you'll probably discover that this is a good solution in most cases.
  14. Ask instead of guessing. Reading minds is hard. So, instead ask questions and communicate. This will help you to minimize unnecessary conflicts, misunderstandings, negativity and waste or time and energy.
  15. Use a minimalistic workspace. My work space is just a laptop on a small black desk made out of wood. I use a comfy chair and there is room for my glass of water beside the computer. That's it. There are no distractions here. Just me, the computer and the water.
  16. Check everything just once a day. I check my email inboxes, blog statistics, my online earnings, Twitter and Facebook just once a day. I combine all that checking into one small daily ritual at the end of my work day so I don't slip and go checking it more during the day and waste my energy and attention.
  17. Choose small daily acts of kindness. Instead of small acts of judgment and criticism towards the people around you.
  18. Don't make mountains out of molehills. Before you you start thinking too much about something and building it up something big in your head, ask yourself "am I making a mountain out of a molehill here? And if you get lost victim thinking in some way then ask yourself "does anyone on the planet have it worse than me right now?".
  19. Spend 15 minutes each Sunday to plan the next week. Write down your plans for the week, organize your prioritized to-do list and get ready for the week before you are in the middle of it all. This will help you to find more clarity, get more of the most important things done next week and minimize stress.
  20. Cancel subscriptions for things you rarely get around to watching or reading anyway.
  21. Spend more time with people that help you to keep things simple. And spend less time with people that drag you down into overcomplicating everything and creating unnecessary drama.

If you thought this article was useful, please share it with someone on Stumbleupon, Facebook and Twitter. Thank you very much! =)


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Friday, June 3, 2011

Faking Out Your Fears


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via T. Harv Eker's Blog by T. Harv Eker on 6/3/11


Our lingering resentments and unresolved conflicts derail what is otherwise a universe that's waiting to put us on track for success. We just have to open to the awareness that what we say we want and how we unconsciously operate often contradicts one another. If the universe were able to feel, it'd be just as frustrated by our blocks as we are.

Once we open up, we can start resolving past hurts, realizing that the pain may have been understandable for that time, but it's only going to cause further damage if it's not attended to immediately. So we mend, sometimes bending to meet another halfway, even if nothing about them has changed. We forgive them not for their sake, but for our own good. We can't control who they are or how they'll respond, but we can be effective through our sincerity. If our forgiveness releases them from pain too, bonus!

As important as all of this is though, the root of it all is as natural as our ability to breathe. It's fear. It's a part of us. We'll never get rid of it. No amount of wisdom or experience will ever be enough to prevent it. We just get better at faking it out.

When you really think about it, the mind isn't all it's cracked up to be. It's useful for sure, but only after we've attained a certainty degree of emotional maturity. I would go so far as to say also a level of spiritual maturity, but that's not even the main point. There's got to be something else within us aware of its control over our mind and emotions. If we let either of those control us, we're not much better than self-trained apes or temperamental drama queens!

The brain is a tool, but it's also got … a mind of its own. Its mind is not to make us successful. It's not concerned about us thriving. Its purpose is for our survival at a base level. Its job is to anticipate what's coming and preserve our basic needs within that anticipation. In other words, the mind lives in a future reality that doesn't even frickin' exist yet! Our mind creates the greatest soap opera script. It makes up incredible stories, usually dramas and disasters that never happened and never will.

The secret to freedom is to realize that you don't have to believe your mind. You don't have to believe your story. You don't have to believe that voice in your head. You don't have to believe your own thinking. You can simply observe it and say, "Thank you for sharing," and then take the necessary action you're scared to take anyway.

One of the biggest mistakes that most people make is waiting for the feeling of fear to subside before they act. It's not necessary and it's impossible anyway. Rich and successful people have fear, worries, and doubts. They just don't let those things stop them.

Don't resist taking chances. Take them like vitamins. Let go of the brakes. Don't worry about the bumps and bruises. You can take them. Don't steer around what scares you. Go over. Go under. Go around or go through. Do something others would be terrified to do. You will feel your chin rise up from your chest and there will be one less thing you can't do. Just freaking do it!


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Thursday, May 26, 2011

Can a Jell-O Shot Be Classy? Jelly Shot Test Kitchen Says Yes


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via The Bride's Guide : Martha Stewart Weddings by Erin Wylie on 5/26/11

The last party you attended with Jell-O shots is probably not one on which you want to model your wedding. But I'm seeing a resurgence of kitschy gelatin ideas (punch jelly, aspic) that are updated in sophisticated ways.

The biggest proponent of this trend is Michelle Palm, the blogger behind Jelly Shot Test Kitchen (whose book by the same name was just released). Palm reinterprets classic cocktails (French 75, margarita, old-fashioned) in jelly shot form, using only fine ingredients like fresh fruit and quality liquors.

The idea appeals to the kid in me, and they're surprisingly beautiful. Take a gander.

Back Next
1 of 8
Cucumber-lime margarita shots tied with cucumber ribbons

1 Cucumber-lime margarita shots tied with cucumber ribbons

Bramble cocktail shots with blackberries

2 Bramble cocktail shots with blackberries

Paloma shots made with grapefruit soda, tequila, lime, and gelatin

3 Paloma shots made with grapefruit soda, tequila, lime, and gelatin

Tom Collins shot garnished with orange and maraschino cherry

4 Tom Collins shot garnished with orange and maraschino cherry

Mandarin and mango Cosmopolitan shots

5 Mandarin and mango Cosmopolitan shots

Molded French 78 shots

6 Molded French 78 shots

Washington apple shots

7 Washington apple shots

Oasis breeze shots with coconut and pineapple

8 Oasis breeze shots with coconut and pineapple

  • Cucumber-lime margarita shots tied with cucumber ribbons
  • Bramble cocktail shots with blackberries
  • Paloma shots made with grapefruit soda, tequila, lime, and gelatin
  • Tom Collins shot garnished with orange and maraschino cherry
  • Mandarin and mango Cosmopolitan shots
  • Molded French 78 shots
  • Washington apple shots
  • Oasis breeze shots with coconut and pineapple

Palm shows them served on plates or individually in paper or spoons. What do you think about this idea for weddings?


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